Research at the Archives
I’ve been a military archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for 29 years. This article is an expanded version of the short talk I gave at the Reunion in Cleveland. NARA was established in 1934 to preserve the historical records of the Federal Government.
For researching the records of the 83rd Infantry Division and its veterans, the two facilities you need to know are the National Archives at College Park, Maryland (known as AII), and the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis. The important thing to remember, is that if you have any questions, ask a Military Reference Archivist at NARA.
83rd Infantry Division Operational Records at Archives II, College Park, Maryland.
The records of the 83rd Infantry Division, and its organic and attached units, are located in Archives II. There are 119 boxes of records for the 83rd and its organic units in Record Group 407: Records of the Adjutant General’s Offic, with each box containing...