2019 Reunion Tours
Discover here our Tours & Activities. Download your registration form to sign up for the Reunion.
Thursday August 1, 2019
0915 - estimated arrival at Independence Hall, Liberty Bell and nearby historic sites1130 - Lunch at City Tavern (or on your own)1300 - Afternoon OptionsNational Constitution Center. To include Reading Terminal Market at 1430 via one of our chartered buses.1300 - Afternoon options Independence Seaport MuseumDriving Tour with guide ending at Reading Terminal Market
City TavernIndependence Seaport Museum - USS BecunaReading Terminal MarketNational Constitution CenterLiberty Bell and Independence Hall
Friday August 2, 2019
0900 - Bus departure just minutes to nearby Valley Forge Military Academy and College where we will tour, conduct our Memorial Service and have lunch. 1330 - Private tour of Valley Forge National Historical Park with our own guides. We may stop at any attraction where we wish to spend more time.
Valley Forge National Historical ParkPotts HouseBattle of the Bulge Memorial at Valley Forge Military Academy