72nd Annual Reunion in Boston
We are very pleased to announce that the 72nd annual reunion of the 83rd Infantry Division Association will take place August 1 through August 5, 2017 at the Verve Crowne Plaza, 1360 Worcester Street, Natick Massachusetts 01760.The Verve is adjacent to the International Museum of World War 2, which we will have the honor of visiting in a specially scheduled visit on August 2, 2018. The Museum is home to a spectacular collection of some 7500 documents and artifacts collected by Ken Rendell – a small sampling that you might view includes a program outlining the Nazi party’s original platform with a colored sketch by Hitler, the final draft of the Nuremburg agreement with Hitler’s and Neville Chamberlain’s handwritten notes, Franklin Roosevelt’s letter to the people of France after their defeat by Germany, a June 9, 1944 letter from General Eisenhower to his wife , a letter written by General Patton about the Battle of the Bulge … while it...