2020 Reunion Postponed
Reunion Postponed
Anyone who had already made a room reservation for this year has had that reservation automatically cancelled due to the cancellation of the contract. You do not need to contact the hotel.
One thing that I learned in the Army was that there is nothing as permanent as change.
With all of the planning, signing of the contracts, making deposits on those contracts, preparing the budget and registration forms, and waiting to be first in line for Pentagon tours (can only be made 90 days out from the desired date), who would have thought that a pandemic would break the continuous string of annual reunions of the 83rd Infantry Division Association.
Several things were taken into consideration in making the decision to cancel:
The Governor of Virginia had locked down the state with many restrictions. As of this printing, it has been extended until at least May 28 for Northern Virginia and may be extended after that date.
Our hotel, luncheons, Arlington Cemetery/Army...