2020 Reunion Postponed

2020 Reunion Postponed

Reunion Postponed Anyone who had already made a room reservation for this year has had that reservation automatically cancelled due to the cancellation of the contract. You do not need to contact the hotel. One thing that I learned in the Army was that there is nothing as permanent as change. With all of the planning, signing of the contracts, making deposits on those contracts, preparing the budget and registration forms, and waiting to be first in line for Pentagon tours (can only be made 90 days out from the desired date), who would have thought that a pandemic would break the continuous string of annual reunions of the 83rd Infantry Division Association. Several things were taken into consideration in making the decision to cancel: The Governor of Virginia had locked down the state with many restrictions. As of this printing, it has been extended until at least May 28 for Northern Virginia and may be extended after that date. Our hotel, luncheons, Arlington Cemetery/Army...
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2020 Reunion Tours & activities

2020 Reunion Tours & activities

Discover here our tours & activities. A final schedule has not yet been released. The registration form will be made available after finalizing our schedule in early March. Twilight Tattoo at Fort Myer on Wednesday evening – the schedule has not been published as yet, but typically occur on 6 or 7 Wednesdays during the summer.  We have done this before limited to usually 50 people.  Request has been submitted to Fort Myer for consideration once the schedule is officially published. World Series Champion Washington Nationals Home Game A possibility if Fort Meyer does not work out.  The team is currently scheduled for a game on Wednesday also before going on the road. Our 83rd veterans saluting General Macon Wreathlaying at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier (2013) The Pentagon with the Washington Monument and National Mall in the background. Washington Nationals Arlington National Cemetery  Wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown and at General Macon’s grave.  This would be in the morning because of the summer heat. Pentagon Tour An...
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2020 Reunion Hotel

2020 Reunion Hotel

Our venue for the 74th Annual Reunion will be the Crowne Plaza Crystal City. Click the picture to find more information about our hotel. If you are a member attending our Reunion, rooms may be books at a reduced rate. Room rates exclusive of taxes and fees are $129 per night double occupancy, $139 night triple occupancy and $149 quad occupancy. Room rates include breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Discounted self-parking is available at $20 per night.To make reservations at the reduced rate, please call 1-800-2CROWNE and identify your group affiliation as "74th Annual Reunion of 83rd Infantry Division Association," at the time of the reservation. These reservations must be received by Friday, June 26, 2020. Any reservations received after the cut-off date will be accepted on a space and rate availability basis.See you in DC!...
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Help honor the 83rd

Help honor the 83rd

About our goal Help us in commemorating the 75th Anniversary of D-Day and the Liberation of Western Europe by honoring the 83rd Infantry Division at the new National Museum of the United States Army. The construction of the National Museum of the US Army gives us an opportunity to support a lasting memorial to the 83rd Infantry Division. Find all information on this page how to support us in funding a memorial plaque to the Thunderbolt Division. About the museum The National Museum of the United States Army is currently under construction on an 84-acre site on Fort Belvoir, Virginia located 16 miles south of Washington, DC. It celebrates over 240 years of Army history and honors our nation’s soldiers – past, present, and future. This massive undertaking is led by a joint effort between the U.S. Army and the non-profit organization, The Army Historical Foundation (AHF). Click on the logo for more information on the museum Donation options Three donation options pertain to the...
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2019 Reunion Hotel

2019 Reunion Hotel

For more information on our hotel: click on the image above The site of our reunion will be the Philadelphia King of Prussia Crowne Plaza Hotel. If you are a member attending our Reunion, rooms may be books at a reduced rate. Contact the hotel directly and reference the 83rd Infantry Division Association to obtain the reduced rate. Or access our custom link through the button below to book your hotel room. Book your room now See you in Philly! ...
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2019 Reunion Tours

2019 Reunion Tours

Discover here our Tours & Activities. Download your registration form to sign up for the Reunion. Thursday August 1, 2019 0915 - estimated arrival at Independence Hall, Liberty Bell and nearby historic sites1130 - Lunch at City Tavern (or on your own)1300 - Afternoon OptionsNational Constitution Center. To include Reading Terminal Market at 1430 via one of our chartered buses.1300 - Afternoon options Independence Seaport MuseumDriving Tour with guide ending at Reading Terminal Market City TavernIndependence Seaport Museum - USS BecunaReading Terminal MarketNational Constitution CenterLiberty Bell and Independence Hall Friday August 2, 2019 0900 - Bus departure just minutes to nearby Valley Forge Military Academy and College where we will tour, conduct our Memorial Service and have lunch. 1330 - Private tour of Valley Forge National Historical Park with our own guides. We may stop at any attraction where we wish to spend more time. Valley Forge National Historical ParkPotts HouseBattle of the Bulge Memorial at Valley Forge Military Academy ...
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Reunion tours & activities

As space on our tours, including our visit to the International Museum of WW II, is limited, we highly encourage early registration. The last date for Hotel and Reunion registration is June 29, 2018. The reunion registration form and current agenda can be found in this post. For those who join as a new member or renew their upcoming dues by May 31, 2018 as part of our membership campaign (membership information also enclosed), we are offering a $5 registration discount. Download your registration form here and send it in through mail to the address on the form!  WednesdayAugust 1Registration opens at noon, followed by a late afternoon Welcoming event, including an introduction to the International Museum of WWII. Morning and afternoon half-day visits to the International Museum of WW II, lunch at the hotel, morning and afternoon half-day guided bus tours of Lexington and Concord, followed in the evening by our First General Session including a Conversation with Our Veterans, a very...
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2018 membership Dues & Benefits

Want to become a member of the 83rd Infantry Division association? Click the button below to fill out our online application form JOIN US A Special message We are pleased to announce that the 83rd Infantry Division Association has expanded eligibility for Legacy Membership. We also introduce a new category – “Active Duty Membership” for those currently serving in the 83rd Army Reserve Readiness Training Center (ARRTC). What's new? All current spouses, widows, and widowers of those eligible to be a Regular Member, lineal descendants by birth or adoption to include sons, daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of persons living or deceased who are (were) eligible for Regular Membership and current spouses; and collateral descendants by blood or marriage to include nephews, nieces, grand nephews and nieces of Members, great grand nephews and nieces, current spouses and surviving widows.  For the Association to continue to thrive as a national organization, to continue to honor our veterans, and to continue to preserve and promote the 83rd's historical...
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83rd at the International Museum of World War 2

83rd at the International Museum of World War 2

One of the highlights of our upcoming 72nd reunion in Boston will be a visit to the International Museum of World War 2. Among our other activities the International Museum stands out because of wide variety of historical artifacts detailing the story of World War 2 on both the home and war front. The International museum of World War 2 uniquely integrates the human story with the political and military issues and events that were transpiring in all countries and cultures leading up to and during the world at war. The objects, artifacts, letters, and documents in the exhibitions offer insight into the information, influences and events on both the home fronts and war fronts. They are what people saw , what they read, and what they used; from the tiniest of spy gadgets to an original landing craft, from guns concealed in a cigarette to an all-original Sherman tank, from the lightness of propaganda leaflets to the huge gold swastika...
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72nd Annual Reunion in Boston

72nd Annual Reunion in Boston

We are very pleased to announce that the 72nd annual reunion of the 83rd Infantry Division Association will take place August 1 through August 5, 2017 at the Verve Crowne Plaza, 1360 Worcester Street, Natick Massachusetts 01760.The Verve is adjacent to the International Museum of World War 2, which we will have the honor of visiting in a specially scheduled visit on August 2, 2018. The Museum is home to a spectacular collection of some 7500 documents and artifacts collected by Ken Rendell – a small sampling that you might view includes a program outlining the Nazi party’s original platform with a colored sketch by Hitler, the final draft of the Nuremburg agreement with Hitler’s and Neville Chamberlain’s handwritten notes, Franklin Roosevelt’s letter to the people of France after their defeat by Germany, a June 9, 1944 letter from General Eisenhower to his wife , a letter written by General Patton about the Battle of the Bulge … while it...
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